know more about Sonam Wangchuk , What they are saying is about economic viability against China

Sonam Wangchuk is an Indian engineer, innovator and education reformer. He is the founder-director of the Ladakh students' educational and cultural movement founded in 1988 by a group of students who, in his own words, 'victims' are alien education systems on Ladakh. It is also known for the design of the Sekmol campus which runs on solar energy and uses no fossil fuels for cooking, lighting or heating.
Wangchuk was instrumental in the launch of Operation Operation New Hope in 1994. In collaboration with the government, school communities and civil society, he invented ice stupa technology to create artificial glaciers, which are used to store water in winter, to improve the government school system. Cone-shaped ice of throat.
Wangchuk is helping to design and oversee the construction of many dormant solar mud buildings in mountainous regions such as Ladakh, Nepal, Sikkim so that energy saving principles can be applied on a large scale. Even in the -30 Celsius winter, the solar-powered school, built with its steep earth, keeps students warm.

Led by Wangchuk, SECMOL won the International Terra Award for Best Building in July, 2016 at the 12th World Congress on Earthen Architecture in Lyon, France. Times, Metal Earth ‘Big Building’ located at SECML.
The campus was built using simple, low-cost traditional techniques on the principles of passive solar architecture. The building includes a large solar-heating teaching hall with many rooms for students and other classrooms.