GPSC PI Police Inspector syllabus 2019
GPSC PI Syllabus for Prelim Exam
TOPIC 1. History:
- Indus valley Civilization: Features, Sites, Society, Cultural History, Art and Religion. Vedic age Jainism and Buddhism.
- The Mauryan and the Gupta Empire, Chola and Pallav Dynasties.
- Important Dynasties of Gujarat – Impact and Contribution, Important Policies, their administration, economy, society, religion, literature, arts and architecture.
- The advent of the Europeans in India. Establishment and expansion of British rule in India. Indian war of Independence of 1857 with special reference to Gujarat. Religious and social reform movements in the 19th Century in India and Gujarat.
- India’s Freedom Movement, Revolutionaries in India and abroad. Role and contribution of freedom fighters of Gujarat and India.
- The Role and Contribution of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel in Pre and Post-independence of India.
- India after Independence - Reorganization of the States within the country, MahaGujarat Movement, Major events.
- Achievements and administrative reforms of the rulers of princely states of Saurashtra, Kutch and Gujarat.
TOPIC 2. Cultural Heritage:
- Cultural heritage of India and Gujarat- art forms, literature, architecture.
- Gujarat’s folk culture and oral tradition.
- Art and Craft of Gujarat- Socio-Cultural contribution.
- Life of tribes in Gujarat.
- Pilgrimage and Tourist places in Gujarat.
TOPIC 3. Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, and International Relations:
- Indian Constitution: Evolution, features, Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, Important Amendments, Significant Provisions and Basic Structure.
- Functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States, Parliament and State Legislatures: Structure, Function, Power, and Privileges. Role of the President and the Governor. Page 20 of 30
- Constitutional Authorities, Statutory, Regulatory, and Quasi-judicial bodies.
- Panchayati Raj.
- Public Policy and Governance. Impact of Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization on Governance.
- Rights Issues (Human rights, Women rights, SC/ST rights, Child rights) etc.
- India’s Foreign Policy – International Relations – Important Institutions, Agencies and Fora, their structure and mandate.
- Important Policies and Programmes of Central and State Governments.
TOPIC 4. Indian Economy and Planning:
- Indian Economy on the eve of Independence, Emergence and development of planning exercise in India – historical debates, plan models, and shift in focus over time. Indian economy in the post-reform period: New Economic Reforms, NITI Aayog: aims, constitution, and functions.
- Various Policies and amendments in the Agriculture sector and Industries sector, Infrastructure in the Indian Economy. Banking and Insurance; Regulatory Mechanism. Impact of Privatization on Indian Economy, Growth, Challenges, and Opportunities.
- Indian Public finance; Indian tax system, public expenditure, public debt, deficit, and subsidies in the Indian economy. Center-State financial relation. GST: Concept and Implications.
- Trend, composition, structure, and direction of India’s Foreign Trade.
- Gujarat economy-An overview; social sector in Gujarat- Education, Health, and Nutrition. Agriculture, forest, water resources, mining, industry, and Service Sector. Development policies for economic and social infrastructure. Co-operative sector in Gujarat.
TOPIC 5. Geography:
- General Geography: Earth in Solar system, Motion of the Earth, Concept of time, Season, Internal Structure of the Earth, Major landforms, and their features. Atmosphere-structure and composition, elements and factors of Climate, Air Masses and Fronts, atmospheric disturbances, climate change. Oceans: Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, Hydrological Disasters, Marine, and Continental Resources.
- Physical: World, India, and Gujarat: Major physical divisions, Earthquakes, landslides, Natural drainage, climatic changes and regions, Monsoon, Natural Vegetation, Parks and Sanctuaries, Major Soil types, Rocks and Minerals.
- Social: World, India, and Gujarat: distribution, density, growth, Sex-ratio, Literacy, Occupational Structure, SC and ST Population, Rural-Urban components, Racial, Page 21 of 30 tribal, religious and linguistic groups, urbanization, migration and metropolitan regions.
- Economic: World, India, and Gujarat: Major sectors of the economy, Agriculture, Industry, and Services, their salient features. Basic Industries-Agro, mineral, forest, fuel, and manpower based Industries, Transport and Trade, Pattern, and Issues.
TOPIC 6. Science and Technology:
- Science and Technology: Nature and Scope of Science & Technology; Relevance of Science & Technology to the day to day life; National Policy on Science, Technology, and Innovation; Institutes and Organization in India promoting the integration of Science, Technology, and Innovation, their activities and contribution; Contribution of Prominent Indian Scientists.
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Nature and Scope of ICT; Various Government programs promoting ICT, E-Governance programs and services; Cyber Security, National Cyber Crime Policy.
- Technology in Space & Defence: Evolution of Indian Space Programme; Various Institutes and programs.
- Energy policy and Nuclear Policy of India - Government Policies and Programmes.
- Environmental Science: Policies and Treaties for the protection of the environment at the national and the international level; Forest and Wildlife Conservation; National Action plans on Climate Change and Disaster management.
TOPIC 7. General Mental Ability:
- Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability.
- Number Series, Coding-Decoding.
- Shapes and their Sub-sections, Venn Diagram.
- Problems based on Clocks, Calendar, and Age.
- Average of mean, median, mode – including weighted mean.
- Power and exponent, Square, Square Root, Cube Root, H.C.F., and L.C.M.
- Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit, and loss.
- Time and Work, Time and Distance, Speed, and Distance.
- Area and Perimeter of Simple Geometrical Shapes, Volume and Surface Area of Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, cubes, and Cuboids.
- Data interpretation, Data Analysis, Data sufficiency, Probability.
TOPIC 8. Current Events of Gujarat and India

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