Stanford Americn University
When railroad magnate and former California Gov. Leland Stanford and his better half, Jane Lathrop Stanford, lost their solely kid, Leland, Jr., to typhoid fever in 1884, they set to make a university because the most fitting memorial, and deeded to it a large fortune that included the 8,180-acre Palo Alto stock farm that became the campus. The field is found inside the standard territory of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe. The Stanfords made their plans just as the modern research university was taking form.

Leland Stanford Junior University – still its legal name – opened Gregorian calendar month. 1, 1891.
The Stanfords and beginning President David Ringo Starr Jordan aimed for his or her new university to be interdenominational, co-educational and cheap, to supply cultivated and helpful graduates, and to teach both the traditional humanities and therefore the technology and engineering that were already dynamic America.
Their vision took form on the oak-dotted fields of the point of entry ground as a matrix of arcades and quadrangles designed for enlargement and therefore the dissolving of barriers between folks, disciplines and ideas.

From the beginning, billet of the founders’ extraordinary land gift has helped support university endeavors, and has created space for a multiplicity of institutes, schools and laboratories that cross-fertilize each other with innovations that have changed the world. Computer time-sharing, initial|the primary} isolation of extremely sublimate stem cells and therefore the first synthesis of biologically active deoxyribonucleic acid, among several different breakthroughs, all originated at Stanford.
The early years were troublesome, however, as even the Stanfords’ wealth well-tried inadequate to their vision. After her husband’s death, Jane Stanford unbroken the fledgling university open through her leadership. The 1906 earthquake dealt an additional blow, killing two people and destroying several campus buildings, some so new they had never been occupied.

University benefactor and trustee Herbert Hoover, future U.S. president and member of Stanford’s Pioneer category of 1895, professionalized university operations in the 1920s and helped to put Stanford on a sound financial footing. He based associate degree institute to gather world political material – today’s Hoover establishment Library and Archives – and LED the creation of the school of Business, both now world leaders in their respective fields.
More About Stanford University Visit here
Corses Offered by Stanford american university
Graduate School of Business
Accounting (ACCT)Action Learning Programs (ALP)
Economic Analysis & Policy (MGTECON)
Finance (FINANCE)
GSB General & Interdisciplinary (GSBGEN)
Human Resource Management (HRMGT)
Marketing (MKTG)
Operations Information & Technology (OIT)
Organizational Behavior (OB)
Political Economics (POLECON)
Strategic Management (STRAMGT)

School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences
- Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences (EARTH)
- Earth Systems (EARTHSYS)
- Earth, Energy, & Environmental Sciences (EEES)
- Energy Resources Engineering (ENERGY)
- Environment and Resources (ENVRES)
- Earth System Science (ESS)
- Geological Sciences (GEOLSCI)
- Geophysics (GEOPHYS)
- Sustainability Science and Practice (SUST)
- Woods Institute for the Environment (ENVRINST)
- School of Education
- Education (EDUC)
School of Engineering
- Aeronautics & Astronautics (AA)
- Bioengineering (BIOE)
- Chemical Engineering (CHEMENG)
- Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE)
- Computational & Mathematical Engineering (CME)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Design Institute (DESINST)
- Electrical Engineering (EE)
- Engineering (ENGR)
- Management Science & Engineering (MS&E)
- Materials Science & Engineer (MATSCI)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Scientific Computing & Comput'l Math (SCCM)

School of Humanities & Sciences
- African & African American Studies (AFRICAAM)
- African & Middle Eastern Languages (AMELANG)
- African Studies (AFRICAST)
- American Studies (AMSTUD)
- Anthropology (ANTHRO)
- Applied Physics (APPPHYS)
- Arabic Language (ARABLANG)
- Archaeology (ARCHLGY)
- Art History (ARTHIST)
- Arts Institute (ARTSINST)
- Art Studio (ARTSTUDI)
- Asian American Studies (ASNAMST)
- Asian Languages (ASNLANG)
- Biology (BIO)
- Biology/Hopkins Marine (BIOHOPK)
- Biophysics (BIOPHYS)
- Catalan Language Courses (CATLANG)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies (CHILATST)
- Chinese (CHINA)
- Chinese Language (CHINLANG)
- Classics (CLASSICS)
- Communication (COMM)
- Comparative Literature (COMPLIT)
- Comparative Studies in Race & Ethnicity (CSRE)
- Dance (DANCE)
- Division of Literatures, Cultures, & Languages (DLCL)
- Drama (TAPS)
- East Asian Languages & Cultures (EALC)
- East Asian Studies (EASTASN)
- Economics (ECON)
- English (ENGLISH)
- English for Foreign Students (EFSLANG)
- Ethics in Society (ETHICSOC)
- Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies (FEMGEN)
- Film Production (FILMPROD)
- Film Studies (FILMSTUD)
- French Language (FRENLANG)
- French Studies (FRENCH)
- German Language (GERLANG)
- German Studies (GERMAN)
- Global Studies (GLOBAL)
- History (HISTORY)
- History & Philosophy of Science (HPS)
- Human Biology (HUMBIO)
- Human Rights (HUMRTS)
- Humanities Core (HUMCORE)
- Humanities & Sciences (HUMSCI)
- Iberian & Latin American Cultures (ILAC)
- Institute for International Studies (FSI) (IIS)
- International Policy (INTLPOL)
- International Relations (INTNLREL)
- Italian Language (ITALLANG)
- Italian Studies (ITALIAN)
- Japanese (JAPAN)
- Japanese Language (JAPANLNG)
- Jewish Studies (JEWISHST)
- Korean (KOREA)
- Korean Language (KORLANG)
- Latin American Studies (LATINAM)
- Linguistics (LINGUIST)
- Mathematical & Computational Science (MCS)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Medieval Studies (MEDVLST)
- Modern Thought & Literature (MTL)
- Music (MUSIC)
- Native American Studies (NATIVEAM)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physics (PHYSICS)
- Political Science (POLISCI)
- Portuguese Language (PORTLANG)
- Psychology (PSYCH)
- Public Policy (PUBLPOL)
- Religious Studies (RELIGST)
- Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies (REES)
- Science, Technology, & Society (STS)
- Slavic Language (SLAVLANG)

- Slavic Studies (SLAVIC)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish Language (SPANLANG)
- Spanish, Portuguese, & Catalan Literature (ILAC)
- Special Language Program (SPECLANG)
- Stanford in Washington (SIW)
- Statistics (STATS)
- Symbolic Systems (SYMSYS)
- Theater and Performance Studies (TAPS)
- Tibetan Language (TIBETLNG)
- Urban Studies (URBANST)
- Law School
- Law (LAW)
Law, Nonprofessional (LAWGEN)
School of Medicine
- Anesthesia (ANES)
- Biochemistry (BIOC)
- Biomedical Data Science (BIODS)
- Biomedical Informatics (BIOMEDIN)
- Biosciences Interdisciplinary (BIOS)
- Cancer Biology (CBIO)
- Cardiothoracic Surgery (CTS)
- Chemical & Systems Biology (CSB)
- Community Health and Prevention Research (CHPR)
- Comparative Medicine (COMPMED)
- Dermatology (DERM)
- Developmental Biology (DBIO)
- Emergency Medicine (EMED)
- Family and Community Medicine (FAMMED)
- Genetics (GENE)
- Health Research & Policy (HRP)
- Immunology (IMMUNOL)
- Medicine (MED)
- Medicine Interdisciplinary (INDE)
- Microbiology & Immunology (MI)
- Molecular & Cellular Physiology (MCP)
- Neurobiology (NBIO)
- Neurology & Neurological Sciences (NENS)
- Neurosciences Program (NEPR)
- Neurosurgery (NSUR)
- Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBGYN)
- Ophthalmology (OPHT)
- Orthopedic Surgery (ORTHO)
- Otolaryngology (OTOHNS)
- Pathology (PATH)
- Pediatrics (PEDS)
- Physician Assistant Studies (PAS)
- Psychiatry (PSYC)
- Radiation Oncology (RADO)
- Radiology (RAD)
- School of Medicine General (SOMGEN)
- Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (STEMREM)
- Structural Biology (SBIO)
- Surgery (SURG)
- Urology (UROL)
- Office of Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
- Education as Self-Fashioning (ESF)
- Immersion in the Arts (ITALIC)
- Oral Communications (ORALCOMM)
- Overseas Studies General (OSPGEN)
- Overseas Studies in Australia (OSPAUSTL)
- Overseas Studies in Barcelona (CASB) (OSPBARCL)
- Overseas Studies in Beijing (OSPBEIJ)
- Overseas Studies in Berlin (OSPBER)
- Overseas Studies in Cape Town (OSPCPTWN)
- Overseas Studies in Florence (OSPFLOR)
- Overseas Studies in Hong Kong (OSPHONGK)
- Overseas Studies in Istanbul (OSPISTAN)
- Overseas Studies in Kyoto (OSPKYOTO)
- Overseas Studies in Kyoto (KCJS) (OSPKYOCT)
- Overseas Studies in Madrid (OSPMADRD)
- Overseas Studies in Oxford (OSPOXFRD)
- Overseas Studies in Paris (OSPPARIS)
- Overseas Studies in Santiago (OSPSANTG)
- Residential Programs (RESPROG)
- ROTC Air Force (ROTCAF)
- Stanford in New York (SINY)
- Structured Liberal Education (SLE)
- Thinking Matters (THINK)
- Undergraduate Advising and Research (UAR)
- Writing & Rhetoric, Program in (PWR)

Office of Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning
- Teaching and Learning (VPTL)
- Health and Human Performance
- Athletics and Club Sports (ATHLETIC)
- Kinesiology (KIN)
- Leadership Innovations (LEAD)
- Lifeworks (LIFE)
- Outdoor Education (OUTDOOR)
- Physical Education (PE)
- Wellness Education (WELLNESS)
- Stanford Continuing Studies
- Master of Liberal Arts (MLA)
- Undergraduate General Education Requirements
- WAY-A-II: Aesthetic and Interpretive Inquiry
- WAY-AQR: Applied Quantitative Reasoning
- WAY-CE: Creative Expression
- WAY-ED: Engaging Diversity
- WAY-ER: Ethical Reasoning
- WAY-FR: Formal Reasoning
- WAY-SI: Social Inquiry
- WAY-SMA: Scientific Method and Analysis
- DB-EngrAppSci: Engineering and Applied Sciences
- DB-Hum: Humanities
- DB-Math: Mathematics
- DB-NatSci: Natural Sciences
- DB-SocSci: Social Sciences
- EC-AmerCul: American Cultures
- EC-GlobalCom: Global Community
- EC-Gender: Gender Studies
- EC-EthicReas: Ethical Reasoning
- EC-EthicReas: Ethical Reasoning
- More Course Lists
- Introductory Seminars
- Arts Intensive Program
- Community Global Health
- Design Institute
- Sophomore College Courses (SCS)
- Cardinal Courses
- Pathways
- GSB CSI Certificates
- Vice Provost for Graduate Education