GPSC Nayab Mamalatdar Dyso Final Result Declared
Advt. No.:::: 55-201819The result of the Combined Competitive Examination (Main) for the post of Deputy Section Officer (State Secretariat), Deputy Section Officer (Gujarat Public Service Commission), Deputy Section Officer (Vidhansabha) and Deputy Mamlatdar (Revenue Department), Class-III (Advertisement No. 55/2018-19) held on 19-May2019 and 26-May-2019 is hereby declared as per Annexure‐I.

2. The above result is declared taking into consideration the provisions of the Deputy Section Officer, Class-III & the Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-III (Combined Competitive Examination) Rules, 2018 and amendments made thereafter from time to time and other relevant applicable criteria
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) will provide the GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar Result 2019 @ for the Candidates who have to attend the Examination on 18th May 2019 & 19th May 2019 for getting the Deputy Section Officer and Deputy Mamlatdar Jobs. The GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar Answer Keys will be gathered here with the Free of cots for the Exam attended Candidates. GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar CutOff Marks will be given soon by the Board for the Posts that are mentioned by the higher officials. As soon as possible we will update the Important Details about the GPSC Deputy Section Officer Result 2019 for all the Exam attended Candidates which is to be download Gujarat Nayab Mamlatdar Result 2019 here immediately.
Steps To Download the GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar Result 2019
- Visit the Main official’s page or click on the below-placed Link.
- Then select the Main GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar Result Link.
- After then the Result Login page is opened.
- Now enter the Details like the Call Letter Number & DOB on it.
- Then but the OK Button for submitting all the details.
- Then the Canbdidtes GPSC Nayab Mamlatdar Result will be displayed.
- Check out the candidate’s marks in it.
- If they have qualified, Take the pint out of that result and then keep it safe for further use.
Download Final Result pdf from here