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Friday, July 19, 2019

HTAT aacharyo sathe senior shixakone pan tarike promotion aapva mang

HTAT aacharyo sathe senior shixakone pan tarike promotion aapva mang

No.GH/ST/53/PRE/112013/4484/K-In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of all the rules made in this behalf, the Governor of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules to provide for regulating recruitment to the post of Taluka Primary Education Officer, Class II, in the Gujarat Education Service, under the Directorate of Primary Education, Gujarat State, namely:
These rules may be called the Taluka Primary Education Officer Class II, under the Directorate of Primary Education, Recruitment Rules, 2019
Appointment to the post of Taluka Primary Education Officer Class II, in the Gujarat Education Service, under the Directorate
of Primary Education, Gujarat State, shall be made either,
(a) by promotion of a person of proved merit and efficiency from amongst the persons who,
(1)have worked for not less than seven years in the cadre of Assistant Education Inspector, Class III, in the subordinate services of the Directorate of Primary Education Gujarat

View News Report from here

Education Department, Government of Gujarat by its GR dated 31-3-2010 (Annex-A)
constituted a Committee to re draft the Gujarat ( Bombay )Primary Education Act, 1947 and Gujarat
Compulsory Primary Education Act, 1961 in the context of, and in consonance with The Right of
Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RtE Act) enacted by Government of India. The
GR also mandated the Committee to draft rules and suggest procedure to give effect to provisions of
admission of disadvantaged children and recognition of unaided schools in the RtE Act.
The Committee co-opted a few members and held several meetings. It constituted three sub
groups to work on