GPSC Latest Instruction for State Tax inspector Exam date 9-6-2019
State Tax Inspector, Class-3
By the GPSC, the National Vigilance Monitor, Class-3 (Greater No.: 80 / 2018-19) Ramayana 15 on 09/06/2016
In the district, 978 will be held at the sub-clans. Paper-1 (General Studies) taken from 11:00 to 01.00 in the morning
Will come
Candidates are given special education instructions as follows.
- 1. Candidates will be admitted in the examination hall for half an hour before the completion of the examination ie 10.30 hours in the morning.
- Candidates should sit in Surendranagar only on time, take the place on their own seat no. Entry letter Of 09/06/2019
- It can be downloaded only 11.00 hours a day. No candidate can download the admission after 11.00 hours.
- 2. Candidate entrance letter and any other goods, except mobile pens for text, mobile, charger and any other
- Do not keep it with electronics gazette. If any candidate is caught with the above devices his candidate will be canceled
- And the rules of the commission are also disqualified for the recruitment of future to be taken by the Commission as part of the disciplinary proceeding.
- Will be rectified and police complaints will be made.
- 3. Candidate will be given the same answer. The printed number and the candidate's seat number on the same date are identical to that number.
- Candidate can verify After getting admission, follow the instruction given by the candidate, invoice. After getting the OMR sheet
- Study it silently and its name, seat number, serial of certificate, name of security, name of foreign language, inspection
- Associate with the name and the date of birth of his / her date of birth and co-sign the invoice. If the candidate
- If the answer is not co-opted, then the answer will not be checked.
- 4. Candidate's timing is clouded by cloud panels. Once a crude codec can not be upgraded. That's why it's shaky
- Do not make use of Whiteerner or other species. If any candidate uses the Candidate Whitner Taxation Insurance category
- If not, then the candidate's OMR will not be examined.
- 5. Candidate can answer the roll number in the answer sheet and print the serial number of the paper book title incorrectly or incorrect encoded.
- The answer will not be checked even if it is taxable.
- 6. There is a need for protection from the peace when the salvation begins; Do not misrepresent any kind of thief; Communicate
- Not to mention the message. If any candidate gets caught, strict action will be taken. OMR Sheet No, not wrinkle
- Look at it specially. Do not pin the answer, pin, or draw. Deposit to OMR Sheet invoice by completing the candidate's eligibility
- Will have to do No candidate will be allowed to leave the class before the examination is completed. Extraordinary
- In the circumstances that the candidate was forced to leave the class in the circumstances, the certificate was returned to another intelligence insulator along with the certificate.
- Only after the examination will be allowed to leave.
- 7. Examine the text before starting the text. ; If the principal fails to be defective then change the route
- Disclaimer of invoice. Candidate will be able to take the certificate after the examination is completed. Candidate: Do not want separate rough sheet for rough work
- But do the rough work in the document.
- 8. All the questions in this paper are important. A, B, C, D options are provided for each type of project. The OMR answer contains an option E. E.
- The option will be "Not attempted". The candidate who wishes to answer the question can choose this option. And "Not
- attempted "option will not lead to negative reporting in the case of choosing. So the candidate is looking for the correct option (OMR
- Answer Sheet), with the help of A, B, C, D and E against the order of the respective order, with the ball pens of time.
- 9. In the case of every wrong answer, one-to-one answer and no encoded encoding in this test, he
- The answer to the answer will be deducted from 0.30 am. So, for the wrong answers, Negativity is the question of the candidate
- Will be to keep
- 10. All steps have been taken to overcome the high standards of the Security Council. The feeling of any candidates candidates
- And without the lack of understanding of processes and practices and confidentiality norms, without taking into account the disadvantages of the participating elements themselves
- An expert is advised to support and support. If any of the elements influence the candidates, they will demand money.
- Soon enough bribe to protect anti-bribery.
- 11. In order to succeed in examining directly or indirectly, the candidate should not use any class or try illegal means. No candidate,
- If there is any kind of misrepresentation, then it will be disqualified for the right time for the correct time in the recruitment of the Commission.
- The penalties will be taken as soon as possible.
- 12. Candidates will only be required to download the admission and the instructions of the candidates (vide I and II).